Saturday, April 16, 2011

Jase's big day at the Big House!

Jase's big day had come - the day all the bow-bows were at the Big House. He was so excited and loved watching. There was a dump truck and a bull dozer. He even got to sit in the bull dozer!

Close view of the bull dozer - standing out the family room sliding door.

Watching the Dump Truck empty the dirt.

WOW....lots of dirt!

Daddy & Jase on the bow-bow.

Jase "driving" the bow-bow. What a day of fun!

Trip to Granna & Poppa's

Mommy took me to Granna & Poppa's last week to visit for a couple of days. As always - I had so much fun! I LOVE Poppa's bow-bow (aka lawn mower) and got to ride it several times. I sure hated leaving but we will be back soon for Easter.

Lovin' on my Nan-nan.

Nan-nan's boy.

Mommy rode on the big wheel while I drove my motorcycle.

Granna's friend gave me their Jeep - I was loving it!

Ridin' with Maggie.

Bow-bow ride with the crew.

Here we all go!

Granna was making us laugh with her story about the Big Bad Wolf!