Monday, November 5, 2012

4th Birthday!

Saturday Mommy & Daddy had my 4th Birthday party at our house.  I picked Batman to be my theme this year.  We had a super cool "Bat Cave" in the basement where we did our games and danced.  I had a great time with all my family & friends.

Here was my awesome birthday cake that Granna made.

We had lots of balloons and cool Batman decorations.

Check out my Batman swirls hanging from the ceiling!

Here I am...Birthday boy!

Entrance into the Bat Cave!

Decorations in the Bat was so cool.

Once the lights were off....

With Mommy & Daddy.

Making a wish!

Here everyone was playing pin the Batman symbol on Batman.

Everyone having fun dancing!

Opening all my great gifts!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Dress up at Preschool for Halloween.

We had a dress up day at school this week.  I dressed up this time in my other favorite superhero - Batman!

First school field trip!

Here is my 2nd trip to Devine Farms.  We went here with my preschool class.  We had a fun day - the weather was awesome!  We learned a lot and had lots of fun.

Here I am with my new preschool shirt!

Another trip on the barrel ride.

Going into the corn field.

We were learning about how the bees help the pumpkins grow.

Another lady was teaching us all about the soy beans, wheat and corn. slide!

Playing in the hay maze - we all loved this part!

This is my friend Carson.

Here is Ava - we kinda like each other.

I got a pumpkin painted on my hand by Miss Kelly!

The crew on the bus.

Carson and I loved playing in the corn box.

Trip to the Devine Farm with Jaden

On a special Saturday - The Devine Farms had a tractor pull race that Mommy & Daddy took me & Jaden too.  We had such a great time together as we always do.  My favorite part was getting my face painted - I was the Hulk!

Check out the cool Barrel Tractor ride!


Here we go into the corn fields.

Too cute!

We look kinda sneaky here.

Getting my face painted.

Check me out - the Hulk - I LOVED it!

Here's Jaden getting his painted.

He wanted to be a tiger - his looked really good.

Here we buddies!

Pumpkin Farm Time with Meghan

Mommy took me to the Pigeon Roost Farm to meet up with my friend Meghan.  We had a blast!  We were there for about 3 1/2 hours!  I think we all crashed after the long day....

Going through the mini maze.

Driving the tractor.

Check me out!

Climbing the wall.

Silly the pot!

Walking the rope - I didn't even fall.

This was so cool!

Still love John Deeres!