Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas is here!

As always I was super excited for Christmas!  I was so patient getting up - Mommy had to ask if I wanted to go see what was under the tree before I asked to get up! 

Presents waiting to be opened!

My gifts.

Just what I wanted - The Avengers!

...and the Transformer set I wanted.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas at Granna & Poppa's.

I'm excited as ever to be going to WV to spend some Christmas time at Granna & Poppa's.  I always love going there!

On our way!

Ready for church.


Christmas Eve.

Playing cowboys with Granna.

With Allison, Maggie & Adaya.

Mommy's guys.

I'm Wolverine!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Decorating Christmas tree time!

I love this time of year...decorating for Christmas!  We had lots of fun.

Could I look anymore like Daddy??

The crew.

Helping Adaya with the beads.

Doing a great job!

Almost done!

Putting on my first ornament.

My ornament from last year.


Putting the star on the tree.

Friday, December 6, 2013