Monday, October 26, 2015

Homeschool Boy!

Mommy decided to start homeschooling us this year.  I love it and am doing great!

The Farm - Amish Country.

We went to The Farm in the Amish Country and loved it!

With Maggie, Adaya and Allison.

Helping Kam - great big brother!

Mommy's boys.

Too cute!

The crew!

Watching the gentleman show us how he separates milk.

My family.

Love running with Kam in this cool covered bridge.

The kiddos!

On the ride through The Farm.

Cool Parrot.

VERY close to the giraffes.

The Zebras.

End of Summer Fun

Always something going on!  Summer was so much fun.

Love climbing!

Cruisin' with my cousins!

With my friends!

My best buddy Jaden!

At the zoo.

Big Brother helping Kam.

Crawling in the cave.

With my friends Ely and Jaxon - checking out the monkeys.

Playing drums with Kam.

Hilarious - this is how you snow sled in summer!

I LOVE being in the mountains with Granna.

We made a house of sticks and leaves.

Our campfire.

A load of kids!!!

Heading to the beach...again!

Beach time!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Price Family Photos