Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010

I had so much fun at Christmas time. Mommy & Daddy took me to Granna and Poppa's house to spend Christmas. I got lots of fun toys and was able to enjoy opening gifts this year...I could get use to this stuff!

Totally cracking up with Mommy & Daddy!

Who else....Granna & Poppa.

One of the trains I got this year.

Notice this is not my stocking?? It's got Maggie's
name & I'm eattin' up some "mum-mum" aka gum.

Resting with Mommy....definitely a momma's boy!

I was so silly during opening my gifts...

I even used my new drill to help tear off my wrapping paper!

Using my drill again on my new train set.

Trying to get to the bottom of my stocking.

Perfect spot....right in the middle.

At the end of it all...still cool with
my "b-b"....yes, a pacifier still....

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My 2nd Birthday Party!

So my big day had finally come....I was turning 2! Mommy & Daddy had me a John Deere birthday party. I absolutely LOVE "bow-bows" aka lawn mowers....the theme was a must. We grilled my favorite food - "dot dogs" aka hot dogs, had cake & ice cream, played games and then opened all of my great gifts. I was a little distracted during my gift opening with my balloons from the game we had just played. However - I have been playing with all my toys ever since my party and having a blast. Thanks to all my great family & friends for coming to my party, sending cards and presents...I am one blessed little boy!

Before my party with Mommy & a good squeeze!

Eatin' some of my icing off my cake that Granna made for me.

Playin' one of my fun party games.

With the "girls" cousins Allison & Maggie.

How funny is this?

This was one of my games - pin Jase's face....on Jase's face! haha

This is my cousin Keziah playing the Michelin Man was funny!

Opening some presents - the living room was a mess!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Trick or Treat Time!!!

Mommy took me trick or treating this year in Centerburg, OH. Daddy couldn't join us because he had to work. However - Michelle, whom I like to call "Shell", was in from VA and went with us. We had so much fun! I got lots of candy and everyone loved the Coal Miner outfit.

Gettin' ready to go!

How cute?!

I was diggin' in my candy bag after every house....hehe

At the last stop - until next year!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fall time - my favorite!

I finally got to play with some leaves that have fallen. I have to enjoy while I can - they sure come and go quickly!

Trip to Amish Country.

One of my favorite places to visit is the Amish Country. Mommy & Daddy took me last week and we had so much fun. We went on a buggy ride and I was lovin' the Amish gentleman - Chris. I kept scooting next to him - even got a little hug from him....cute!!

Lovin' on Chris.

All smiles....

Hanging out on the buggy ride.

Check out the horse Big Ben - he was huge!

At the petting zoo with Mommy & Daddy.

LOVES to dance!!!

One of my favorite activities around the house has been dancing since....gosh, as far as Mommy & Daddy can remember. I got some good moves...check me out in action!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fall Outing!

Our latest adventure was to the Circle S Farms in Grove City, OH. Granna & Nan-nan were on their way up to visit so they decided to join us. Poor Nan-nan was so cold - she waited on us in the car so we don't have any pictures with her. I don't blame her - we were surely cold but had lots of fun. I got to see a lot of "big bows" - that's what I call tractors & lawn mowers and they are my favorite things!! Mommy doesn't think I know this but I think this is the theme for my birthday party coming up - John Deere!

Don't you love this tractor - I do! Just my size!

Getting ready to go on a hay ride!

Looks pretty real, huh?

I picked out my first pumpkin and I call it "Jase's pumpkin"


Me & Daddy with one of the "Big Bows"

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My first wedding with Daddy!

Jay & Karli were so sweet and kind to invite Mommy & Me to their wedding this past weekend on Kelly's Island. Mommy brought me when it was time for dinner and we had such a nice time. Daddy was able to come sit and eat with us for a little while. When it came time for open dancing - I was having a blast! All the ladies were so sweet to me. I was a little shy at first but soon started my moves. Take a look!

Lovin' on the bride - wasn't she beautiful?

The girl in the red....she had my eye ALL night long!

Right in the middle of it all...what a trip!

Dancin' with the girl in pink.

And yes - yet another girl....

This is where I ended up after all the dancing - upside down, crashed in bed!