Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lovin' the park!

We've been having some beautiful days and I'm lovin' the park. Mommy & Daddy has been taking me so I can have fun on the swings and the slides. Of course I think I'm bigger than I am and I want to do it all by myself. I even go down the big slides already!

Mommy pushing me in the swing. landing....

Up high with Daddy!

How cute am I?

Gettin' some tickles as daddy pushes me in the swing.

HAHAHA...I'm such a ham!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Springtime Fun!

Winter has FINALLY gone away. It sure has been a long Winter inside playing. Once I got a taste of playing outside - it's been on! I cry everytime Mommy & Daddy bring me inside - I just can't get enough. Here are a few pictures of some fun times I've been having!

Mommy & Daddy just bought me this sandbox from my birthday money they have been saving!!

All boy - I love being in the sand!!

Golf pro! Or maybe just a caddy guy!

What a surprise - I'm sweeping! One of my favorite things to do!

Check out my safety goggles and my new leaf blower.

Working outside - lots to clean on the deck.

At the neighbors with my rake - gotta help your neighbors!


Another does this always happen?

On Granna & Poppa's back porch - just got done swinging.

Takin' a ride with Poppa on his riding mower - what a blast!


At the park with Allison & Maggie (lovin' on Allison).

Out to lunch with the family - what a crew!

Easter - my first egg hunt!

Little change of plans this year. Me, mommy & daddy had planned on traveling to WV to be with Granna & Poppa and the rest of the family for Easter. However - Nan-nan was sick in the hospital so plans got changed. Mommy went to Cleveland Clinic to see Nan-nan so I went to Grandma & Grandpa's with Daddy for Easter. Aunt Shelley surprised me with some Easter eggs to hunt! It was my first time and I loved it!

With Aunt Shelley

Check out all of my eggs! My basket was heavy for a Little Man.

Daddy was a big help.

Can you believe I found this one? Pretty good huh?

Can't trick me here - I see it!

No matter what - I always have to play with a broom!