Thursday, January 12, 2012

Christmas Time!

We had a great first Christmas in our new house! We were at Granna & Poppa's for Christmas Eve and then had Christmas at our house. Mommy & Daddy took me to church that morning and then we opened presents when we got home. Grandma, Grandpa and all of daddy's side of the family were at our house Christmas evening for dinner. We had a great time!

Lovin' with Mommy & Daddy

Hanging with Maggie & Allison. Poor Allison was sick on Christmas! No fun!

Like my cars umbrella? I loved it!

Checking out all my stocking stuff!

I LOVED opening all my presents.

I got a car holder for all of my cars! Pretty cool!

Hungry hippos...who doesn't love that game?

Eating with all my cousins. What a crew!

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