Monday, August 25, 2014

1st full week of school ahead!

Today I started back to school-5 days a week from now on, Yikes!!!  I loved it again...Mommy hopes it stays this way (smile).

Walking to the bus with Hailey & Landon.

My buddy Sam.

With Drew, Landon, Sam, & Hailey.

Getting ready to get on the bus.

Away we go.

Here's what we left behind.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

First Day Of Kindgarten!

Today was my first day of kindergarten!  I totally LOVED it!  I did awesome getting on the bus and while at school.  Mommy & I had our moment of tears last night but today was exciting so we were just happy this morning.  Can't believe I'm in school...growing up so fast Mommy says.

Ready to go!

Big boy!

Like the sign Mommy made me?

Having a snack before I walk to the bus stop.

All ready with my back pack...ready to go!

Here's my sign again...

...and again!

Walking with my friends.

Waiting on the bus.

My buddy Jaden.

Me & Emily.

Here's my school bus.

Getting on the bus for the first time.

On my walk home from school...I had a great day!

Here's the day neighbor Nikki made this cool "K" for kindergarten pictures.

Mommy liked this one.

Night before we made my sign.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Cousin Time!

Todd, Misty, Allison & Maggie came up for a few days.  We all went to the zoo and had the best day ever!  They stayed for Adaya's birthday.  We never want them to leave....

Petting the legless lizard...weird!

In line for a ride with Daddy.

Bumper favorite!!

Riding the crazy ride with Misty.

What a crew.

The frog ride...loved it!

We all were loving this ride...except Maggie!

Daddy even rode with us.

The spinning tea cups.

We were so close to the flamingos.

One even bit Allison and Mommy.

Touching Sting

The swings were fun!

The next on the little kit toys! Hilarious!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Celebrating Adaya's Gotcha Day!

We all went to Lalibela Ethiopian restaurant to celebrate Adaya's Gotcha Day.  They had yummy steak and fries - I loved it!

Here we are!

Daddy's guys.

Silly boys!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Summer Fun.

I had so much fun this summer!  Can't believe it's almost over....  

Loved this swing at the Velvet Mill.

Rides at the mall.

Movie night!

The twins...I love these girls.

Feeding the ducks at the Velvet mill.

Mommy  loves this pictures of us cracking up!

Playdate at the park.

Here we are making silly faces!

Ice cream after a hot day at the park.

Movie night at Easton.

With Adaya and my friend Sam.

When it got dark at movie night, they turned the lights on the trees.

Pretty cool, huh?

Lovin' on my sis.

Watching the trains at Easton.