Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween School Party.

Today was my third time wearing my costume and I still loved it.  We had our Halloween party at school and it was a lot of fun.  We did a parade, had snacks, played bingo and did a craft.

Too cool!

All ready to go.

Walking in the parade at school.

Working on my craft.

Having a snack.

Playing Halloween Bingo.

Here's my class.

Trick or Treat Time!

Trick or Treat was a blast!  We got lots of yummy candy!  Can't wait unit next year!

With Landon, Kamden, Adaya and Haley.

The Trio.

Here I am - love the mustache!

Here we are again - Haley, Sam, Landon, Jase and me.

My buddy Jackson.

My buddy Sam.

All the candy at the end of it all.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Boo At The Zoo

Mommy took us to Boo At the Zoo.  We had a great time!  The weather was beautiful.
We got to see some animals, two shows and Trick or Treat!

The Trio!

I am a Spy this year.

Watching a Pirate Show.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Fall time - Playing in the leaves.

Adaya & I had a blast playing in the huge leaves pile in our back yard.  

Too cute!

Big jump!

Falling back into the pile.

All you can see is our feet - too funny!

Love it!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Visit to Granna & Poppa's.

Mommy took us to visit Granna & Poppa for a few days since I had a day off school.  Fun times as always!

At Chuckie Cheese.

Love skee ball.

Beating Mommy at Air Hockey.

Silly game!

This was cool...we were on a roller coaster.

Skee ball with Granna.

Next morning - helping Nan-nan set the table.  
This picture melts Mommy's heart.

Adaya helped us out.

With our cousins - all of us in a pack-n-play!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Kindergarten Field Trip!

We went to Lynd's Fruit Farm for our first field trip.  It was a nice Fall day and at the end we got to eat some yummy apples!

Learning about the bushel sizes.

She's teaching us about the trees.

Watching a video.

Running to go pick some apples!

The trees with the yellow ribbons were where we had to pick our apples.

My buddy Oliver picking apples with me.

Here I am.

We even go to eat one right off the tree!

Funny - we were checking our apples out.

Mommy's cutie pie.

Oliver is silly!

Here's my class.

My friend Teddy.

Here's how tall I am.

Finishing the day just right - Mexican lunch date with mommy.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Mario & Luigi

 Recognize these two guys??

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Lost my first tooth!!!

I lost my first tooth finally!!!  I was super excited and pulled it out all by myself.  The look on my face the next morning was priceless to see that the tooth fairy had came and left me money!

The night before...hardly hanging on.

I wouldn't pull it out before bedtime...

Almost out!

Proud boy the next morning - I pulled it out right before school.

Too handsome!

My new smile.