Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Lost my first tooth!!!

I lost my first tooth finally!!!  I was super excited and pulled it out all by myself.  The look on my face the next morning was priceless to see that the tooth fairy had came and left me money!

The night before...hardly hanging on.

I wouldn't pull it out before bedtime...

Almost out!

Proud boy the next morning - I pulled it out right before school.

Too handsome!

My new smile.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Kudos to that young handsome boy who pulled his first lose tooth bravely. Your parents must be so proud to have a child like you. Congratulations for having that adorable smile, and for the money the tooth fairy gave you! Continue to take good care of your teeth by brushing and flossing regularly. Take care!

    Jolanda Warren @ Buck Head Dentist
