Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009

I can't believe Christmas is already here & gone! I had a fun time this year - I think I did pretty good opening all of my presents. I really enjoyed ripping the paper off my packages (must be the boy in me). I got a lot of cool toys and cute clothes!

What a way to end Christmas - eatting one of Daddy's Andy candies!

Yea - I got my Lionel Caboose!

My lawnmower makes lots of fun noises - Daddy said too bad it really doesn't cut the grass!

Loved ripping the paper.

With my cousins Allison & Maggie

With my Nan-nan - I'm her buddy!

Lovin' on Granna & Poppa (Think I'm spoiled?)

With Mommy & Daddy

My First Birthday

Wow - I'm a big one year old!!! Mommy & Daddy had my first birthday at The Depot. It was so much fun. We had 42 family & friends join in my celebration. We had pizza, chips, cup cakes and my train cake. We ate, Granna sang me a song she had written, we played games and then we all got a train ride. It was such an exciting day and I was so thankful for everyone who came. Thank you all for making this such a special day!

Inside The Depot

"Pin the Engineer on the Train" game

The train ride with mommy, daddy, Misty, Todd, Allison & Maggie

Riding on my new firetruck toy from Laura & Brian

With Mommy & Daddy

Look at all of my presents!!!

Loved my birthday cake - great job Granna!

My first chocolate cake - didn't really know what to think?!?!

Pictures with Family

Here are some random pictures of me and my GREAT family! We are all so blessed.

With Mommy & Daddy

With Daddy

With Mommy

With Granna & Poppa

With Grandma & Grandpa

With Nan-nan

With Grandpa Bennett

With my cousins Allison & Maggie

With Uncle Todd

With Aunt Misty & Allison

With Aunt Shelley

With Great Aunt Sharon

With Great Aunt Cheri

With my cousins Alisha & Chris

With Mommy & cousin Holly

Funny Faces

As you all know - I have quite the personality. Here are some pictures of some faces that I have been caught making! Hope this makes you smile.

Special times

There has been a lot of great times I've had within the past year. Here are some to look back on....

Thanksgiving 2008 at Grandpa Bennett's

Christmas 2008 at Mommy & Daddy's

Dedication 2009 at Charleston Mt. Mission

Easter 2009 at Vineyard

July 4th 2009 at The Lakes Country Club

Myrtle Beach 2009 - The Price Family Vacation

Thanksgiving 2009 in WV at Granna & Pappa's


While I was in my mommy's belly - her & daddy went to Ultrasona to see what I looked like. Here are a few of the 4D pictures. Amazing, huh?

19 weeks

32 weeks