Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009

I can't believe Christmas is already here & gone! I had a fun time this year - I think I did pretty good opening all of my presents. I really enjoyed ripping the paper off my packages (must be the boy in me). I got a lot of cool toys and cute clothes!

What a way to end Christmas - eatting one of Daddy's Andy candies!

Yea - I got my Lionel Caboose!

My lawnmower makes lots of fun noises - Daddy said too bad it really doesn't cut the grass!

Loved ripping the paper.

With my cousins Allison & Maggie

With my Nan-nan - I'm her buddy!

Lovin' on Granna & Poppa (Think I'm spoiled?)

With Mommy & Daddy

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